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Spicy Chocolate Agave Sorbet

Made in the same way as our Chocolate Agave Sorbet, but we add some extra goodness. Mesquite Powder, Cayanne, and Cinnamon make this a super healthy treat. The mesquite adds protein and has a low glycemic index. It is a good source of calcium, iron, lysine, manganese, zinc, and potassium. Cinnamon is really great for regulating your blood sugar and reducing cholestoral. It also reduces arthritic pain. Cayanne also has cardiovascular benefits. And don't forget the dark chocolate! Dark Chocolate is good for your blood sugar, brain power, and packed with antioxidants. This Superfood Sorbet is satisfying and rich in vitamins and nutrients. 

* These flavors are made with limited availability or seasonal ingredients, please provide alternate flavors to these (and all) flavors when ordering online.

For nutritional information, please read this excerpt from "Frozen Assets" published in edible Santa Fe, Summer 2007